Contact us | 1 877 542-9990
Rehabilitation Support Workers are experienced, dedicated and skilled workers. They bring a wide range of skills developed from years of experience working with individuals who have an acquired brain injury, spinal cord injury or other serious trauma.
Bartimaeus Rehabilitation Support Workers fulfill contracts and service requests that are of most interest to them and are an excellent match for their skills, abilities and availability.
Rehabilitation Support Workers:
- Hold a relevant university degree or college diploma
- Hold certification in home and community-based rehabilitation
- Have a minimum of five years of full-time experience
- Participate in ongoing support and in-service training under the direction of our Service Directors
- Have experience in behavioural, life and social skills training and programming
- Maintain up-to-date criminal reference checks including vulnerable sector screening
- Are covered by professional liability insurance
- Provide rehabilitation support in a variety of languages
Our Rehabilitation Support Workers provide service in a variety of settings:
- Home
- Hospital
- Work
- School
- Supported living environments
- Long-term and complex continuing care