Bartimaeus Announcement
After nearly 31 and a half years of being involved daily in the different services we provide and close to 47 years in the Child and Youth Work field, as of June 30th, 2020 Bill Carty will be stepping back and allowing others to take on the responsibilities of the service companies. Bill will remain available for consultation when required.
At Brayden Supervision and Improv Care both Debbie Sliwinski and Dahla MacKenna will continue to provide direction. At Bartimaeus and Bartimaeus Rehabilitation Pat Gaughan will have the responsibility with assistance from Lisa Wylie, Luke Carty, Tina Gauvin and Doug Brice.
Bill will be focusing on developing Eldano Properties in continuing to provide both commercial and residential units to a wide array of tenants to make a difference in their home and work environments.
Eldano Properties is committed to creating dynamic work hubs that support small business operators working together in a wide variety of sectors as well as residential homes (in Nova Scotia) for people with special and unique challenges. The goal at Eldano Properties is to create and maintain healthy work and home environments that support those that live and work in the spaces.